Hi there, i dunno if anyone is reading. My name is Vanessa Chua.
I am a student. I am a cook. I am a pianist. I am a daughter. I am a sister.
I am a winner and a loser. I am fast and sharp, but slow as well.
I can explain everything to you in detail and still fail to get distinction.
I can listen to you all day but i can't listen to myself.
I can be active one minute and totally lazy the next.
I love nature and tall beautiful buildings at the same time.
I can climb a mountain for you.
I am emotional and level headed at the same time.
I am crazy and very very sane. I can be hopeful and be a wet blanket.
I am a pessimist and an optimist.
I have failed many times in life, still failing. And i am emotional-its ok.
Because i am human, i have a soul. i feel, i live and i savor life.
I live with all the emotions of the world. I love myself for being me.
I am ruin and i love it, because then i am able to transform myself.
And because i am me, i will do it at my time, my space.
Even if i have failed 1000000 times. If that is the number of times i have to fail
in order to pass. I will do it. In my time.