Sunday, November 18, 2012

A shoutout A whisper

How are you doing? Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been so busy lately with ... absolutely nothing. :)

Things have been going pretty well for me. How are you holding up? 

I have been travelling back and forth between KL and SG, spending precious time with loved ones. Everyone seems to want a piece of me. And it's so difficult to multitask between all these beautiful souls. But isn't that what life is all about, prioritizing important people and things. But it's so difficult to choose who to spend my time with, and so difficult to let everyone get a piece of me because its time consuming and energy draining. I've learnt to just go with it anyway because time never stops running. I have been saying 'no time, no time' to alot of precious people and the more times i utter those words the more disgusted i feel with myself.
So no more 'no time', just better time planning. But sometimes i really don't have the time. Like what i'm doing to this blog. 

Something to think about:

I can't help but notice how most young parents teach their toddlers or control them. Using the one thing that is not right. Terror. I'm not a parent and i don't know how difficult it is, but i know enough that i can't handle one right now. I think using terror is not right. Honestly i think authority and power comes from firmness and properly assertion, definitely not from yelling or terrorizing the kid with the cane. Heard of the 'tiger mom' book? Read it. Interesting but not for me. 

Soon i'll be put in a place where i have to exert firmness and proper assertion. I have so much to learn still, being a leader is no joke. No doubt i know i can do it, but the learning curve is going to be so steep. You can expect nothing, not even white noise from this blog.

But till then, take care. And with much love. Have a wonderful wonderful day..

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