Thursday, May 5, 2011


 Do you have passion for your life, your future, the things that you are doing and going to do?
I would love to meet passionate people, makes me wanna jump right out of my seat spend all my time with them.Because we have something in common.

I can't understand why some people just do the things that they do, you know, just everyday, without no real drive, their drive will be the crowd. The crowd does this, so i will do too. Why am i working here, because i need money to pay bills *( look i know that sometimes its hard to get our dream job, i totally understand, but working just for the sake of working and money??? )*  Help me understand.

How can you just exist in this world? I want to exist in this world, and live my life. There is a vast difference.
Don't just exist, be passionate with life, the sun, colors, places, people, culture... anything.

Passionate people are so interesting, i have met a few, hoping to meet more in the future. You know like those who really have dreams in life, and their are catching it or living it.

Be passionate!!! =)

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