Monday, May 27, 2013


Dating is the unfamiliar zone ; I can't help but notice that men are getting more clingy these days - emotionally and mentally.

I for one - with the massive intimacy issue, couldn't help but noticed that the tables have indeed turn ladies!
Correct me if I'm wrong. I thought it was always the other way round - with our emotions, according to guys, - always out of place. I personally experience this particular time - clingy suitor, and to make things worst all the cheesy things this guy said to me. This games is getting so so dull.
There;s no new moves, no awesome out of the world character. All the same old same old.

Beautiful, sexy .. bla bla. I mean.. errr.. seriously? Get that ass in a cab and go home.

The measure of a man ; is the space between his ears. How he words his sentences, wears his passion on his sleeves and put his heart out there sincerely - to get to know a girl, not for his own selfish needs.

Now. If you have come across anyone who has these qualities. Please do not hesitate to call me.

You will be greatly rewarded.

Thank you.

Friday, May 24, 2013

When my friends are introducing me to
a new hot guy and it starts 
like this :

" I don't know why she's still single"

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The small write up before the big day.

I have been playing peek-a-boo with this blog. No, actually i have totally neglected this space.
Well - i just quit my job and bla bla bla.

I had a much needed break  ( when you are busier during breaks) and a few epic moments with loved ones. This whole month I have been all touchy feely about marriage and having kids. Like the whole month is a period before my period.

And its funny how the universe affirms what I'm totally feeling right now.

I finally went to the doctor to check up why i could be so hyper everyday but thoroughly exhausted?
I know he could tell because he started asking funny questions. So after telling him my daily routine and my diet... so the REAL questions begun.

Doc : What are you doing now
Me  : Bla bla bla.
Doc: Are you happy?
Me  : Eeerrr ... Yeah? I guess so. ( I could totally write up another post on this )
Doc : Do you have a boyfriend ? When are you getting married ?
Me   : ............... ( 10 seconds silence ) I do not have a boyfriend. * I AM MORTIFIED*
Doc  : But you're 26 already - should have a boyfriend. (Then he gives me the best advice in the world)
           Always find someone who loves and cares about you more than the other way round.
Me   : That's why I'm single. Cannot find. * I want to leave this conversation and blend into the wall *

I totally love this doctor ok - he has seen me grow all these years.I have been seeing him since I was like.. 2? And I am abso-fucking-lutely dumbfounded that my happiness has got anything to do with having a boyfriend.

Owh well, i was ready to forgive him; and he manage to annoy me further. The next time you come ; please come back with a boyfriend. *RAGEEEEEEEEEE* hahahhaha.

After that pretty awkward conversation, *dad driving* I asked permission if I could be a single mom.
My dad said ok - "thats fine with me".

After we got home - he presented me a stack of internet print-outs - about how kids who are raised by single parent would turn out .. the exact words : lop-sided.

Exciting weekend for me.
Tomorrow will be more exciting for me.
Let the journey begin.

Lovely weekend peeps!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


                  WHEN I SURVIVED 

                SOME MASSIVE SHIT.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Where you come from, where you belong, where's your future.

Maybe its just me getting old. Really weird feeling where i do not belong anywhere.

In the office - I see mediocre people with mediocre thoughts and ways. Being a superior - I have to constantly have higher ways to solve problems ( and I admit sometimes i just want to do it the easy way - coming up with good solutions is not an easy task - i struggle alot with that ).Being the light on a constant manner is exhausting and not to mention - my ways are therefore weird and good (feasible)

I never truly felt that I belong somewhere other than home. Even then - staying far away from home has made me feel even worst about that. Somedays when I feel terrible I guess being home won't be able to fix me anymore. I feel like i do not belong to my new home, neither I would feel at home at my parents. I believe it is a very awkward feeling.

That I do not belong to the crowd. To my colleagues. To the people at the bar. Neither do I feeling like I belong to the world. Peanuts in the midst of Walnuts.

Let the war begin.

Places and Tiles