Thursday, January 13, 2011

If i had a choice, i would chose to be a guy.

Because i don't need to wash the plate. again and again.
I don't have to cook with the same pot for breakfast then wash it, use it to cook for lunch and wash it and use it for dinner then wash it. Not only i have to wash for myself but everyone. And the best part is, why does no one feel the need to wash up.

Then i don't have to clean up the house.

I don't have to be clean, my room can be in a mess.

I don't have to go through periods. Period.

No taking care of myself and reputation.

I won't have to feel emotional most of the time. hahaha
Its proven women emo more because we have less serotonin, the happiness hormone,
and how can be get it, by eating carbs and choc and fatty stuffs. hahaha

I don't have to feel weak because i am a woman.

But then again, i don't wanna be stupid. So i rather be all these and do all these than being dumb.
hahahahhahhahahha.. or are they just acting dumb... so they can get away with most of the things ??? =D

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