Friday, July 16, 2010

Say it out loud.

If we couldn't talk a day in this world, how would you communicate with everyone? (no technologies please). That leaves us only to a few options, say, writing, our expressions, and nonetheless our actions. They say actions speaks louder than words. True enough indeed.

Just imagine we all can't talk for one day, how would we express our love without "i love yous",
or express how bitchy our bosses are without using b**** or f***?? How would we be channeling our emotions? Are we able to know what people really feel(all those non-expressive people)?
How would we learn in class... just by reading? or we would go out and learn through experience about all the stuffs we studied in physics, chemistry or biology..
Just as actions are important, did you know that hearing is just as important for a person to learn,think and to understand? and how would we hear if there are no words being spoken?

I realized that many people, girls and guys do not have the competency to speak about emotions openly- in short they can't do confrontation.. Its like they will die... and if they are really dying, they wouldn't even dare to confess what they are really feeling inside.. I really don't know why, its a very bad habit. And i struggle with this a lot. Sometimes they just wont say it, just won't. Maybe they have some mental barrier or something.. its like " owwhh, don't talk about emotions... then you'll be unlikable.... don't go there, its embarrassing... Shhhhh, just shut up and suck it up".
Its such a sad thing, why we can't tell our friends that sometimes they are irritating because we don't wanna hurt them... if you don't correct, how would they advance? Why we can't tell people off who use our stuffs without permission.

We all grow, physically, mentally, our technologies, but yet some of us, are incapable of conveying what we feel without having to be like a 5 year old.How to tell people to stop poking their nose into our business without that mean stare? How do we tell people to back off without splashing water on their face? How do we ask people to "shut up" politely? How do we tell people we love them other than "i love yous" . If that is the only phrase you use to express how you feel toward your love one. I feel sorry for you. We rely so much on our expression, we sometimes fail to remember not everyone can read us and our expression. Why leave the other party in a turmoil.. the guessing game is difficult to master-requires too much time, brain power and energy.

Action works all the time, but are we up for it ? Can we say out our feelings without being rude?
Have we been over-estimating and under-estimating the power of words? Why don't be honest and tell the person you really feel, good or bad, in words, in a nice way. I assure you, whether its a good or bad thing. The other party will appreciate it and you will feel lighter.Say what you mean and say it out loud.

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